Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Family

I kind-of forgot I had a blog as you can tell. Last post was in 2010! So I'm not going to fill in all the gaps.  Most of my family is on facebook and gets updates from that.  Here is a quick update....Aaron still works for Bay Alarm and surfs every weekend.  Natalie is STILL looking for a full time teaching job and has been working temporary teaching jobs and substituting.  Brianna had braces for 18 months and just got them off a few weeks ago! Now she just has to have a retainer (for the rest of her life).  She is also finishing up 8th grade and will be a high-schooler next year!!! Bradley was recently baptized and will be going into 3rd grade in the fall.  He learned how to skate board recently and now that's all he wants to do.  Here are some pics.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's been so long since I've updated my blog. I've been so busy last year teaching and then just never found the time. Here are some pictures from over the summer and recent months. Soon to come, Halloween pictures!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's been a while since I've updated our family blog. It has been very busy for us. Aaron transferred from Bay Alarm's Oakland branch to Martinez branch. Some days he is working just down the street and is home by 4:30! I have just finished the teaching credential program and now subbing two to three days a week. Summer school was canceled due to budget cuts, but hopefully I will have a job for next Fall. Brianna is finishing up fourth grade and undergoing STAR testing. She also has to have further dental work and is getting a lower space retainer next week along with the upper retainer she already has! Bradley is full of energy and is growing fast. He goes to preschool two days a week and tells me that he wants to go to kindergarten (he will have to wait another year). Here are some recent pictures from Easter!